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Cherry Flavor B-12

$26.99 each

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CLICK HERE to view a PDF version of the Ola Loa B-12 Supplement Facts suitable for printing.

Ola Loa B-12 is sold in bottles of 60 dissolve-under-the-tongue lozenges, proved at $26.99.
  • Ola Loa Cherry Flavor Sublingual B-12

    This Ola Loa Cherry Flavor Sublingual B-12 (HydroxyCobalamin) product is the "mother" of all B-12's. Typically this form of B-12 is only available through a Nutrition Medical Doctor. It is the body's preferred form of vitamin B-12—referred to as being the "natural transport factor" for Cobalamin. Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12 provides greater absorption and better utilization than any other form of B-12.

    Vegan Formula ~ Sublingual activated tablet ~ Promotes energy, nerve and brain support ~ Advanced formula with Active Folate and activated Hydroxy B-12

    Ola Loa's sublingual B-12 is paired with the preferred form of Active-Folate (Folinic Acid), which work together in tandem. Ola Loa has been committed to providing the very best form of Vitamin B-12 since we released our first product in 1999. We agree with many in the scientific community that no one should use Cyanide B-12 (CyanoCobalamin), an inexpensive form is used in virtually all supplements that contain vitamin B-12.

    Feel the difference Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12 makes, and get the benefits of the best B-12 on the market today.



    Vegetarian diets - B-12 is found almost exclusively in animal foods. Plants are not a reliable source of B-12.
    Alcohol consumption - Excessive intake of alcohol in the diet is known to deplete B-12.
    Digestive disorders - Celiac Disease and Crohn's Disease all deplete B-12.
    Medications - Medications for diabetes or long-term use of acid reflux drugs; Stomach bypass surgery; Nitrous Oxide or "laughing gas" during surgery and unregulated Nitric Oxide are known causes of B-12 depletion.
    Intrinsic Factors - A protein in the stomach allows the absorption of most B-12, so if you have weak Intrinsic Factor you will not absorb much B-12.


  • Which Vitamin B-12 is BETTER?

    Ola Loa Sublingual B-12 (HydroxyCobalamin) is the "mother" of all B-12's—typically available only through a Nutrition Medical Doctor. It uses the body's preferred form of vitamin B-12, and is referred to as being the "natural transport factor" for Cobalamin. It provides greater absorption and better utilization than any other form of B-12, and it's the form we use in Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12.

    There are numerous forms of vitamin B-12 found in supplements:

    Cyanocobalamin (NOT SO GOOD)

    • Cyanocobalamin (Cyanide B-12) is found in most B-12 supplements because it is cheaper than other forms of B-12.
    • Cyanocobalamin is a B-12 molecule bound to a toxic cyanide molecule. Too much Cyanocobalamin can be toxic.
    • The Cyanocobalamin form of B-12 is not used efficiently by the body, mostly excreted out of your body in about 5 hours.

    Methylcobalamin (BETTER)

    • Methylcobalamin may interefere with the body's natural methyl transfer from folate to cobalamin resulting in impaired DNA replication.

    Hydroxycobalamin (THE BEST... it's what we use in Ola Loa B-12!)

    • Hydroxycobalamin is not Intrinsic Factor dependent as is Methyl-B-12. Hydroxy B-12 can also bind to plasma proteins offering greater absorption and transportability, as well as increased availability in circulation.
    • Hydroxy B-12 stays active in the body for 5 days or more! It remains longer than CyanoCobalamin and is absorbed up to 300% better than Methylcobalamin
    • Hydroxy B-12 is the only form of B-12 which detoxifies Cyanide, Ammonia, Sulfite, and unregulated Nitric Oxide (which can become pro-inflammatory). Unregulated Nitric Oxide is, in fact, the hallmark of inflammation.
    • Hydroxycobalamin is the only form of Vitamin B-12 which can penetrate the Mitochondria.
    • Hydroxy B-12 makes more AdenosyCobalamin (the other active form of B-12) than any other form of B-12.
    Methyl B-12 chart


    Yes, it's Worth Repeating...

    Ola Loa Sublingual B-12 (HydroxyCobalamin) is the "mother" of all B-12's—typically available only through a Nutrition Medical Doctor. It is the body's preferred form of vitamin B-12, and is referred to as being the "natural transport factor" for Cobalamin. Simply stated, Ola Loa's Hydroxy B-12 provides greater absorption and better utilization than any other form of B-12.

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    For best results viewing the Supplement Facts, rotate your mobile device to its wide/landscape orientation.

    Ola Loa B-12 Ingredients and Supplement Facts

    Each Packet of Ola Loa B-12 Contains:


    amount per tablet

    %Daily Value

    Vitamin B-12 (as Hydroxycobalamin)

    1000 mcg


    Folate (as Quatrefolic® (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt) 400 mcg DFE 100%