Hey, hey
Wudya say
Can this make it in any way?

"Brazil's health ministry urgently requested 140 of the cyanide-treatment kits containing the medicine hydroxocobalamin"*

Image of the Brazilian nightclub ruins in which 238 people lost their lives.

In February, a terrible nightclub fire took the lives of 236 people in Brazil leaving over 140 people with acute Cyanide poisoning due to the combustible materials that outgassed Cyanide. Currently the standard treatment for acute cyanide poisoning is a very special form of Vitamin B12 that is used in Ola Loa Products, HydroxyCobalamin. I find it amusing that this vitamin is being referred to as a "medicine." Ironically, virtually all vitamin B12 supplements contain the cyanide form of B12 known as CyanoCobalamin. This form of Cobalamin is already bound to a cyanide molecule and can't detoxify cyanide.

Sadly there was an insufficient supply of the correct form of Vitamin B12 in Brazil and at the request of the Brazilian Government the United States sent over 140 kits of this very hard to get form of Vitamin B12.

What comes as a surprise for many is that not only are there several forms of Vitamin B12, but that some forms are much better than others. Ola Loa has been at the forefront of making people aware of the significant benefits one gets from HydroxyCobalamin which is in fact the natural transport factor of vitamin B12 offering great absorption and usage.

What Brazil shows us is you shouldn't wait for acute Cyanide poisoning to get the right form of Vitamin B12. Remember that HydroxyCobalamin is the only form of Vitamin B12 that detoxifies Cyanide and for vegans, vegetarians and smokers who often times run low B12 and high cyanide this can be a significant health risk.



Gregory M. Kunin
Wishing you good health and Ola Loa!


The Ola Loa Blog is brought to you by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Gregory Kunin.

The Ola Loa Blog is brought to you by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Gregory Kunin.

The Ola Loa Blog is brought to you by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Gregory Kunin.