Richard Deth, Ph.D., shows that HydroxyCobalamin (Vitamin B12) is more available in almost all tissue of the body!

Many of you have probably heard me say the form or source of an ingredient can make a huge difference. One such ingredient is Vitamin B12. Ola Loa has gone out of our way to make sure that you have access to the most available form of Vitamin B12 (HydroxyCobalamin) versus the common form of Vitamin B12 (CyanoCobalamin, just think Cyanide). At $6,000 more per kilo, is there any wonder why most other companies use the less expensive, toxic form? In the slide below, Dr. Deth shows that the body uses HydroxyCobalamin up to 300%+ better than even MethylCobalamin.

Methyl B12 chart


Drink Ola Loa and get the advantage of HydroxyCobalamin which is the natural transport factor of Vitamin B12. It's the difference you will feel.

Gregory M. Kunin
Wishing you good health and Ola Loa!


The Ola Loa Blog is brought to you by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Gregory Kunin.

The Ola Loa Blog is brought to you by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Gregory Kunin.

The Ola Loa Blog is brought to you by Ola Loa's "Big Kahuna" Gregory Kunin.